Things to know about Istio
This post has spent so much time in my draft folder that I am finally pulling the trigger even though I would styll very much find the time to tell you about these additional points:
- major bug: 443
- there are simpler alternatives: linkerd
- should u use in production?
- yes it is a steep learning curve
- breaking changes

Rainbow and Video Virtual Backgrounds
Several folks have been asking me this: how complex is it to get a virtual background when using Rainbow, just like when using Zoom? Turns out, it’s not all that hard. You basically have two options: You can go down the professional road and film yourself with a green background. There are some great offerings and the best reviewed one by many semi-famous people is the Elgato collpasible chroma key panel.
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Decoy pricing: Why, Bloomberg?
A quick note on something currently mistifying me. Dan Ariely’s Predictably Irrational is a wonderful book, full of studies and academic research and whose sole purpose is to make us feel bad about how far from smart we can be, when it comes to marketing. Predicably Irrational Get this book! In it, he goes beyong simply describing price anchoring, which is the practice of steering your mind towards what the seller thinks is a fair price, and would really like you to agree that, why, but of course it is!
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Setup Kiali, Analyse Your Mesh
Why would I want Kiali?
If you have been playing/using a service mesh for any length of time, you may have noticed that there is a certain cognitive overhead in trying to figure out traffic flows. Even using the CLI to understand injected routes can require spending a good long time in the “zone.”
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Istio, Cert-Manager and Let's Encrypt April '20
What is this? It is very easy to find blog posts and articles explaining how to make some of these components work together. They are also completely outdated. It is not their fault: Kubernetes moves fast, Istio’s development seems to move even faster, and cert-manager breaks backward compatibility. Chances are, by the time you read it it will be too late! Anyway, in a futile attempt to remain somewhat ahead of the curve, this article was written for Istio-1.
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Fixing Vmware Fusion Broken Vmmon
Obviously, this post is MacOS-specific. This is about when Fusion throws the dreaded /dev/vmmon: broken pipe or /dev/vmmon: No such file or directory Here are three different fixes, because this is definitely nor a “one size fits all” scenario: 1-If Fusion complains about not being authorized Go to the Security and Privacy control panel; make sure that both App Store and signed applications are authorized; check that Fusion is not explicitely blacklisted.
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Zigbee2mqtt Step by Step
Here is a solution to build and use your own Zigbee controller. It will work with most Zigbee devices out there, simply because it doesn’t come with any manufacturer-specific assumptions.
Read moreCreating a ReasonML Native App: Configuration Files
This is going to be a fairly short post, as it focuses on using the config-file
library. As previously mentioned, when I mention a library in RasonML’s native context, chances are pretty good that I am referring to one of OCaml’s many available libraries.