Creating a ReasonML Native App: Command Line Arguments
Before going into how specific features were implemented with Reason and OCaml’s help, let’s have a quick look at our application’s logic
Read moreCreating a ReasonML Native App: Building and Running
This is by far the most boring piece of this whole endeavor.
Unfortunately, as we accumulate years of experience, old habits accrete on the programmer and tools such as Make
become an integral part of our fossilized identity. You will have to forgive me for my use of Makefiles!
Creating a ReasonML Native App: Installing, Editing, Configuring
Installing Reason
First, we will need OCaml. This is because our Reason code will be compiled to OCaml, then, using the OCaml compiler, to native code.
Read moreCreating a ReasonML Native App: What We Are Building
I believe this is, as of now (2018), one of few articles you will find about creating a native application using ReasonML. While Facebook came up with this interesting language/syntax that compiles to OCaml, it seems that they have focused their energy on transpiling it to JavaScript using BuckleScript
Read moreA great man has left us.
A great man has left us.
Added a tiny command installer to sbase-for-android.
Added a tiny command installer to sbase-for-android.
Man, I use these commands all the time: so nice being table to type ls -ltr
Full automation: Consul monitoring of a Rancher setup across the board, with some Ansible help.
Full automation: Consul monitoring of a Rancher setup across the board, with some Ansible help.
Read moreI was totally not completely wrong to buy a mid 2010 Mac pro!
…because of course right after I bought it, it was discontinued…
Read moreThis is so ridiculous. Hearing the same folks who claim that gun control doesn't work are now making...
This is so ridiculous. Hearing the same folks who claim that gun control doesn't work are now making the case that terrorists attacks could be prevented by forcing cell phone vendors to hand over encryption keys.
You have to pick one: either the bad guys go through alternative channels than honest people, as can be the case with guns, or they don't. In case you do not understand that, the baddies do not have to use the same encryption methods as other users, either.
Well, at least we know how to survive a face palm…
Sobriety Counter awarded top alcoholism app...
(Sobriety Counter) a top alcoholism app.
Reminds me of all the features I've been meaning to add to it and haven't got around to, yet.