I built this driver in 2007, to support Leopard Darwin on my wife’s laptop
(hmmm where’s the “wink wink nudge nudge” smiley when you need it?)
I am offering a full driver for download, but it’s only so that you could use my keyboard fix if you do not currently have an ApplePS2Controller.kext that support plug-ins.
The point of this driver really is to provide keyboard support for laptops that see their built-in keyboard as PS2 -- ie the vast majority. Therefore the piece that is really interesting to you is ApplePS2Keyboard.kext (in ApplePS2Controller.kext/Contents/PlugIns/)
There are other drivers that do just that, out there, but unfortunately many of them fail to properly detect the keyboard.
So, here goes. If you have a laptop running Leopard Darwin but your built-
in keyboard is not working, give this driver a try.
ps: Come to think of it, you may find this kext useful if you are using a desktop with a recalcitrant PS2 keyboard as well.
pps: Miracle! After a year of having misplaced the source code, I found it on a USB stick. It’s now available at Github.
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