This is
your “up-to-date 5 minutes ago” guide on how to build CyanogenMod 7 using your
Mac. Check the date: 05/10/2011.
Note that, obviously, these instructions should also help you with building
other ROMs.
Let’s start with the good news :
This guide, found in the Cyanogen Wiki, still works (mostly) so we will follow it
And the guide would work with any CM7 target. Simply use your own target name; e.g. for Droid Incredible, replace ‘vision’ with ‘inc’
Now, ahem, the bad news :
You will need to do a bit more work than what’s in that guide.
The most recent version of XCode, the one you paid for, will fail with this message:
ld: illegal text reloc to DwarfCUImpl
Download an older, compatible version. Oh, and it’s free too. I found out
(thanks Newsgroups!) that 3.2.4 could very well be the last version of XCode
to work properly.
Get it from [this page](
bin/WebObjects/MemberSite.woa/wo/ That’s
the page you get when you go to
and select ‘Developer Tools’.
You will not find this page when visiting!
After downloading, install the package. You can install it next to your shinier XCode 4 by selecting an alternate destination on the ‘Installation Type’ screen. I installed it in /Developer324
I created this short script to build CM7. It replaces the guide’s ‘Compile’ section:
cd /Volumes/CyanogenModWorkspace/android/system/
sudo mv /Developer /
sudo mv /Developer324 /Developer
time make -j`sysctl -an hw.logicalcpu` bacon
sudo mv /Developer /Developer324
sudo mv / /Developer
If you build now, you will, however, get another error:
ASSERTION FAILURE external/elfcopy/elfcopy.c:932: [ranges[i].start >= last_end]
This fix is much faster: open external/elfcopy/elfcopy.c and add this before line 928:
Then…oh, wait. That’s it. Run the make script and you’re done.
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