It’s a new feature! I spend way too much time reading interesting papers… I should not be so selfish as to not share them.
[Steve Yegge’s ramblings]( job-at-google.html) will enlighten you or depress you, but at least they are enjoyable. There, on my list, right under Joel Spolsky (all-time Nerd Superstar).
Clustering and Cloud Computing
The Helmer Cluster, but only because I can also be a
hardware nerd.
Dr Queue, not the only one, but a queue
manager that proved its worth.
Terracotta because I have a big Java project that
needs scaling and I believe that scaling out is a more…er…scalable
I mean raw performance; as in scaling up, this time.
Tokyo Cabinet seems to be the best
tree-based database available these days. Takes me back to when I was using
C-ISAM from Informix. NO, not all problems need a big OORDB thrown at them. In
fact, transitioning some of your data to Tokyo Cabinet seems like a good
application of “write first, optimize later.”
“How do they do it?” LinkedIn are kind enough to [expose their
Twitter! Sorry, no link. Oh, well, maybe one.
Oh, no, wait it’s down. No it’s back up! Wow, the Twitter API is currently
capped to 10 requests per hour. Application developers: keep your calls to no
more than one every 6 minutes…except for the public timeline, unless they
decide to restrict its usage as well.
Wireframing, Blueprinting and A/B Testing
I need to post links here. Keep an eye on this blog entry.
Anyway, Yahoo now conveniently provides stencils for web
It’s beautiful. I’m just getting started, though.
For so-called “virtual companies” this would be the ultimate in source code
management. Even if you’re not “virtual”, you may want to give it a try. I
absolutely love how it allows me to try the craziest framework modifications
without having to suffer any consequence.
Easy Git -- “git for mere mortals”
Interact with
your Subversion code base - man, I want the same thing for Perforce!
Educate yourself. Well, seems to work for me…
The “If I had more time…” section
NestedVM: whatever your source language,
cross-compile to MIPS .o files, then convert to pure Java.
Really optimized image
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