Let’s say that you renamed your Wordpress tables.
There may be several reasons for this. For instance, you installed [Virtual
multiblog/?cp=21#comments) to support more than one blog with the same setup.
And now, you are facing the dreaded “You do not have sufficient permissions to
access this page”
What to do, what to do?
Turns out, after some research, I found out that there is a proper procedure for us lazy webmasters:
1. Download the [force- upgrade](http://markjaquith.wordpress.com/2006/03/28/wordpress-error-you-do- not-have-sufficient-permissions-to-access-this-page/#comment-89003) script and run it. It’s a fairly old script but since it all it does is invoke Wordpress' upgrade mechanism, it still works very well with 2.7. I know, it’s not an upgrade! But you can also run the script to right some wrongs…
2. Using your favourite SQL editor, edit the “usermedata” table. Let’s say that your old table prefix was ‘wp_’ and your new prefix is ‘wp_new_’ you would type this simple SQL command to make sure that your first user is still admin:
update wp_new_usermeta set meta_value='a:1:{s:13:"administrator";b:1;}' where meta_key='wp_new_capabilities' and user_id=1;
You’re all set.
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