As niche posts go, I think
this one may take the cake since it is about my experience installing Parallel
7’s tools in a Chakra Linux guest (of the venerable Arch family)
Let me begin with pointing out that there are no Parallel Tools for Arch/Chakra but you can still make this work.
What you need
Parallels 7
Chakra Linux
Kernel 3.2
Let’s do this
1. On your host, select [cfrbc]Install Parallel Tools[/cfrbc]
2. Shell time! You may first need to mount Parallel Tools manually.
sumount /dev/cdrom /mnt
3. Let’s make a copy of the tools and patch it for kernel 3.2.
mkdir -p ~/Tmp/PT
cd ~/Tmp/PT
cp -r /mnt/* .
cd kmods
tar zxvf prl_mod.tar.gz
vi prl_eth/pvmnet/pvmnet.c
Replace .ndo_set_multicast_list with .ndo_set_rx_mode
tar zcvf prl_mod.tar.gz prl_eth prl_fs prl_fs_freeze prl_pv prl_tg dkms.conf Makefile.kmods
4. And finally, let’s run the installer (fingers crossed!)
cd ..
export def_sysconfdir=/etc/rc.d
You may or may not have to set correct the resolution in /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Personally I added “1920x1080” logged out, logged back in…it just worked.
Note that all the host’s shares can be found in /media/psf/
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