Kodachi v0.5.1 is
out! It’s good news for developers who want to write plug-ins or if you
wish to change the look and feel of the application:
A demo plug-in is now included. All it does is add a new direct word to Kodachi’s vocabulary: ’ Demo ‘. Type it, select some action, and it will display a Growl-like notification confirming your action. A very easy starting place for budding plug-in developers.
Kodachi’s user interface is now skinnable. Actually this goes a bit beyond a simple skin as you can change its behaviour alltogether. Note that when launching Kodachi, you will now see the new demo skin, called ’ Bezel ‘, that I created. If you are familiar with QuickSilver, this is certainly an interface you are already used to. If you wish to work with the old interface, simply disable the ‘BezelInterface’ plug-in.
The installer now checks which version of .Net is installed on your PC, if any, and offers to install the correct version if necessary.
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