am happy to announce the release of the Wordpress plugin “Page-Theme” v1.3.
This version is a full rewrite.
Its features are:
Define themes on a per-page basis
Define themes on a per-post basis ( ** new** )
Support for SEO-friendly permalinks
Support for basic permalinks ( ** new** )
Full integration with posts and pages screens in the admin control panel ( ** new** )
There should also be a lesser potential for Javascript interference as I removed the one external script I was invoking.
How do I use it?
In the admin control panel, under “Appearance” there is a new link: “Page
Select the checkboxes for which screen you wish to integrate the plugin with.
Click on the preview picture/theme name to change it.
Select a new theme for this page or post and click on ‘Set Theme’
If you already have a previous version installed, you can go through
Wordpress’ update mechanism. If not, just head to the plugin
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