I am both happy and
relieved to announce RootTools 1.5 and
NativeTools 1.0.
What’s new in RootTools 1.5?
Mostly build improvements: a new AndroidManifest.xml file for easier building in Eclipse; example version number is now taken from the manifest file; new makejar.ant for building and zipping the library.
This version also offers a new function: isNativeToolsready(). This function does a silent install/check for correct install of the nativetools binary (you could conceivably use your own binary as you provide your resource id to the function)
What is NativeTools 1.0?
It’s the piece that has been, until now, missing from the equation. I recommend reading readme.md for more information but the short version is that NativeTools provide C/C++ functions in a convenient package that you can invoke to perform all sorts of operations (retrieve partition size, get file content, etc) without having to worry about the current device’s shell idiosyncrasies.
Its other advantage is that is runs much, much faster that performing the same operations recursively in Java.
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