ribbit Innovative Technology
tubemogul Video
weardrobe Social Network
popcuts Music
High hopes:
moontoast Very nice concept for remote learning.
zoomorama Very useful technology.
klout Great concept but there are concerns over cost.
spawn labs
echodio Impressive technology but confusion regarding
their business model.
gigotron Cool app but suffers competition from
otherinbox Another inbox? Why? Does it work with
Microsoft products? Are they going to sell my data?
cubeless What makes you different from all the
other players in this market?
piryx Apparently the founder was a bit too
confrontational for the judges’ taste.
motionnotes Both judges and audience were, it
seems, wondering, what their differentiators are.
hourville Successively compared to linkedin, craig’s
list,… Business model not clearly articulated. Obviously these
short sessions (2mn + 10mn) are killers.
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