Close to two years ago, after quickly putting together my own
FLV Player plugin for Wordpress (original post) I
added it to’s already impressive list of plugins. Who knows?
Someone else might find it useful (it’s been downloaded more than 4,500 times
since then so I guess that means someone did)
Yesterday a few people commented on that original post, thus reminding me of that plugin. It shamed me when I revisited its packaging to find out that it required from its users to download more pieces left and right. So, here it is , brand new v2.0 , with everything included, and this means brand new SWF wrapper and brand new Flash file. Hope you forgive the fact that it took me all this time to provide a real self-contained archive.
Oh, and there is something I would like to address about this plugin. It’s actually a reply to one of the comments I received recently:
What do you mean by “a flash stream”? Does it stream an flv or use progressive download? To stream flash, you need a streaming media server. You should be clear and say what you mean - stop contributing to peoples' ignorance.
Well, I hope it helps you feel a little less ignorant to know that the answer is “both.” This plugin can stream both types, depending on your use of a http- type or a rtmp-type URI. It can also play live streams. More information can be found here.
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