First of all, that’s an awesome plugin that will allow your visitors
to have a look at external links while retaining the ability to comment
locally on your blog. Get it!
Unfortunately, if you have modified your Wordpress database prefix, for instance because you are using Wordpress MU or the Virtual Module, the toolbar will fail to display.
Here is my very modest fix that will make it work.
1. Open wordpress-toolbar/toolbar.php
2. Find, near the top of the file:
$resultset = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM wp_options where option_name in ('wordpress_toolbar_social','wordpress_toolbar_excludedomains','wordpress_toolbar_skin','wordpress_toolbar_custom')");
Replace with:
$resultset = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->options} where option_name in ('wordpress_toolbar_social','wordpress_toolbar_excludedomains','wordpress_toolbar_skin','wordpress_toolbar_custom')");
3. That’s it!
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